The Creative Process

Welcome to the final week of the month-long Carnival of Creative Mothers to celebrate the launch of The Rainbow Way: Cultivating Creativity in the Midst of Motherhood by Lucy H. Pearce which has been’s Hottest New Release in Motherhood for the past week!

Today’s topic is The Creative Process. Do read to the end of this post for a full list of carnival participants. 


'Muse in flight' image by Marija Smits and 'A Conversation with My Muse' poem by Marija Smits

‘Muse in flight’ image by Marija Smits and ‘A Conversation with My Muse’ poem by Marija Smits

The Creative Process

Inspiration often comes unbidden, sometimes when on the verge of sleep, sometimes in the midst of play or when doing household chores. Sometimes it can be called upon when I have a rare moment of quiet to myself, children either asleep or out with a relative.

For those times when inspiration finds me unprepared I try to memorize the words or images and get them down on paper as soon as I can. Nighttimes are difficult though, with one child on either side of me, no bedside table and no easy way to get to pen and paper! I trust to my memory then and hope I’ll be able to recall the words the next day.

Some evenings I sit in front of the computer, the blank page before me and wonder if I can fill it with words. Usually, though, a day spent with my children affords me valuable ‘writing-thinking’ time and the chance to plot out stories and flesh out characters in my head. So when I come to the computer it’s often a case of typing out almost fully-formed sentences.

There is often though ‘the deep breath beforehand’ when I’m not sure I can communicate my vision through words or images. I’m not sure I have the skill, I’m not sure I can do it. Yet I leap anyway, for it is exhilarating — this journey into the unknown, into worlds I’ve created in my head. When I’m in this ‘otherland’ I am consumed by the feelings that wash over me and through me. I am both re-vitalized – energized with creativity – and also, interestingly, at peace. Time runs out though and reality intrudes; often in the form of a child asking for something, a pan of water boiling over, the phone ringing…

The transition from fantasy to reality is often difficult. I am in-between worlds then, my body going through its motions, on automatic, but my mind is still miles away. I know it will pass though, and I now accept that the journey back holds a certain amount of tension.

I promise myself I’ll go back as soon as I can…

The desire to create is frequent yet there are often fallow times when it seems as though I’ve created very little. Yet there must be peaks and troughs, rather like the ‘life, death, life’ nature of the Wild Woman. The Muse, akin to the rhythms of our bodies, and of nature, must rest and re-group from time to time so that she can be re-born and renewed with fresh vigour. I now understand the value of the quiet times — for important, underground soul-work is being done then — though I may not be able to see or sense it.

My ego cares more about the end result of my creativity rather than the process of creativity itself. Its voice is strengthened by plenty of voices in society wondering aloud if the work is worthwhile, if a price can be put to it… if it is good?

It does not matter. Really, it does not, because the work is now finished and it has begun its own journey, over which the creator has no control. The important thing is to create, for the creative process itself enriches the soul and causes it to fly…


  • 10% off – use code TRW10
  • exclusive access to a private Facebook group for creative mothers
  • a vibrant greetings card and book-mark of one of the author’s paintings.

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    • Carnival host and author of The Rainbow Way, Lucy at Dreaming Aloud looks at the common lies we tell ourselves about creativity in The Eternal Summer of the Creative Mind.
    • Caitriona at Wholesome Ireland – from start to new beginnings.
    • Hannah M. Davis writes about Unleashing Your Authentic Voice. So many of us would love to write a life-changing book. How do you get over the blocks and barriers that hold you back? 
    • Sylda from Mind the Baby compares her creative process to a maelstrom of weather warnings.
    • In “As an Artist”, Lucy Pierce at Soulskin Musings offers a poem about how the creative process beckons her through many of the archetypes of womanhood.
    • Jackie Stewart at talks about how creativity is opening up a space for the unknown to reveal itself to you in ‘Creativity Flourishes in the Sacred Unknown’.
    • Alex at Art of Birth shares some practical tips on how you can unlock your creative goddess within!
    • Nicki at justlikeplay shares a love letter to her muse.
    • Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration.
    • Zoie at TouchstoneZ reflects on her creative process.
    • Licia Berry, Illumined Arts “Creativity and Healing are Ideal Partners”. The creation of visual, musical, or expressive arts is the quickest, most effective and painless way to heal.
    • Kirstin at Listening to the Squeak – My creative process and how to break creative blocks.
    • Ali Baker talks about connecting
      with the call of the wolf when she cries to us to do so means giving
      our time and permission to honour the creative process within all of us.
    • Mary at The Turquoise Paintbrush reflects on her creative process.
    • KatyStuff thinks that projects need time to mature, that is why she is a fabric and craft hoarder. 
    • Aimée at Creativeflutters goes into her creative process and looks at what makes things tick or flop in “Spontaneous She – How to Keep Your Muse at Work”.
    • Kae at The Wilde Womb muses about her common creative blocks as a parent and how she systematically breaks through them.
    • Angela at Peach Coglo tries to get comfortable with her own creative process. 
    • Biromums write about their creative processes.
    • Dawn at The Barefoot Home believes the creative process can’t be taught it has to come organically and at its own pace.
    • Tara at Aquamarine Art began uncovering her lost inner artist over 5 years ago and shares her experiences and inspirations in “From Spark to Bonfire: The Evolution of A Creative Process.”
    • Darcel at The Mahogany Way examines her own creative process.
    • Sharron at Adventures on the mindful path writes and creates in between (and sometimes while) chasing two little boys and a puppy.  
    • Laura at Authentic Parenting reflects on her creative process.
    • Georgie at Visual Toast explores what the creative process looks like for her.

23 comments on “The Creative Process

  1. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  2. […] for the work is negligible), but that’s why you have to love the work, love doing the work. Because the work itself is the reward. And occasionally you’ll feel that yes, you’re getter better at the work, you’re making […]


  3. […] Often, I simply don’t have the energy, let alone the will or enthusiasm to persuade others to read my writing or buy my art. It seems as though I only have a certain amount of ‘oomph’ in me. And that will have to go on the art and the craft of making. Because, rejection fug aside, it is the one thing that makes this whole submitting merry-go-round worth it. And from time to time I have to remind myself of that. Creating is play. Creating is flying for the soul. […]


  4. […] of Poetry World. There is only the work, and the only reason to do the work is to love the work. And loving doing the work IS THE REWARD. But there is a longish shortcut to getting known in Poetry World. It’s called ‘becoming a […]


  5. […] I try to see it as a pleasant bonus to be published; the real treasure is in the craft of writing, when my Muse takes flight and I find myself transported to another […]


  6. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  7. Jennifer says:

    Oh, I very much enjoyed reading this. I can relate so well to what you write and most appreciated the reminder of days when inspiration flows, and days when it doesn’t or ego gets in the way of a clear mind.

    Loved your final statement “the creative process itself enriches the soul and causes it to fly…” – isn’t it interesting how similar our topics for this week were 🙂


    • Marija Smits says:

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. And I’m so glad you enjoyed reading my piece. It’s been interesting to see how similar the topics were for the week – I’ve found it so heartening to read about others’ experiences. Best wishes with your own creativity 🙂


  8. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  9. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  10. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  11. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  12. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  13. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  14. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  15. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  16. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  17. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  18. […] Marija Smits has a conversation with her muse and reflects on the difficulties of catching and creating from the Goddess of Inspiration. […]


  19. nicki says:

    Ah, delighting in the process can be such a challenge. I want to see the completed creation. I like what you say about how the creation has its own journey, its own path to follow. Beautiful. Also appreciating your poem. Really makes me think about the depth of my muse. You have inspired me to think about the shape and look of my muse. Thank you.


    • Marija Smits says:

      I agree – the process doesn’t always seem so enjoyable, particularly with writing I think. It can seem like the end result is more about the word count than anything else! In my experience though I have found art to be more soothing. I wonder if it’s because of the actual transference of the ideas? I mean that pencil strokes or brush strokes feel inherently relaxing, whereas typing into a computer doesn’t! I like to write poetry with pen and paper but with large amounts of text I nearly always do it on the computer.

      So glad you’re appreciating my poem and that I’ve inspired you. That’s really made my day 🙂 You are very welcome!


  20. Lucy Pearce says:

    Thank you for joining us, I so resonate with your words.


    • Marija Smits says:

      You’re welcome Lucy, and thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment – especially considering how busy you are at the moment with your book! Many congratulations on it; it looks wonderful 🙂


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